These experiences have highlighted in a very personal way what I have come to call the "hypocrisy of tolerance." Apparently tolerance, diversity, and freedom of speech apply to every group and sub group, with the startling exception of conservative Christians.
Guess what folks - tolerance only works if it is for everyone, even the people you disagree with.
I see and hear extremely offensive attitudes daily on Facebook, in classrooms, on the street, and even among my friends. These comments or behaviors label, lump, disrespect, and subjugate Christian rights and values - a disturbing foreshadowing of the loss of our rights and liberties as a people.
Maybe you truly don't know how hurtful some of the things you say and do are - so let me enlighten you. Every time you mock, ridicule, or make negative generalized or stereotyped statements about the Bible, God, or Christianity, you are striking at the very core of who I am. In class, when you mock Bible-believers as ignorant, homophobic, children-of-the-corn-esque morons, you are labeling and diminishing my value as an individual. You may accuse Christians of being categorically antagonistic of certain view points, and yet, you come across as nothing more than a blind hypocrite when you do the same to them.
You want change? Model the behavior you want to see in the world. Maybe then I'll believe that you really want tolerance, diversity, and freedom for everyone - because right now, all I hear and see is that you want a world free of ME.