Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Power of One

The written word is powerful, almost as importance as the voice. With words you can inspire and rejuvenate life.  The opposite can also be true, but in reading Truth, Grace, and Coffee, my hope is inspiration and life can be found. I hope to point the reader to the Truth, that Grace is abounding, and that life can be full of adventure and good wholesome talks over warm coffee can inspire.

In contemplating this blog, I recently came across a quote that I hope will inspire my future writings and encourage you, the reader. John Quincy Adams stated: “if your actions (and may I add writings), inspire others to dream more, learn more, and do more you are a leader.”  I hope to be known as a leader, one who speaks in the face of adversity and gathers others to do the same. I am so convinced of the power in just one voice.  Change begins with one.  

History teaches us that all things, good or bad began with an idea sparked by the mind. In turn, that idea turns into taking that thought public to peers or to a nation. I am reading an amazing book on the life of William Wilberforce. Talk about inspiration! This man, called by God to abolish slavery in his country, went against rulers, lost friends, and made enemies.  He used his voice and conviction to steer and convince others that slavery was wrong. He struggled, he failed at times, but he was a leader.  God chose to use William Wilberforce to abolish slavery and I am convinced that had he chosen not to speak up or shy away from the pull of God’s will, that another man would have been raised in his place. However, he was Gods choice, called to use his skills God planted in him to make a lasting difference in his country. His deeds had lasting effects and he wholeheartedly embraced God’s call on his life.

So I ask of you, what is God calling you to? What are you passionate about? Don’t let God's best for you slip away because of lack of courage or trying to please others. Never underestimate the power of one. One voice can lead the county back to God, one voice can fight to end modern day slavery, one voice can change life.  Don’t let your voice be drowned out by others who would wish to drag you down.  See yourself as God looks at you.  He sees a whole complete person who has power to change a block of the city, a county, a state or a nation. 

I hope I have inspired you to dream more and do more. Allow yourself to grow and learn. Remember, there is always room for Truth, Grace, and Coffee.



  1. When I think of this power of words allusions to Michael Scott Card's and Ted Dekker's usage of network blogging to obtain high social change streams to my mind. These authors presented characters in parallel worlds who faced oceans of voices, and yet called loud enough to be hear, learning from mistakes and correcting themselves accordingly. There are times that undulation of voices, the roaring cascade of opinion, that floods from the ethernet is so great that one more drop added or withheld cannot cause a difference.
    Yet the poignancy of words is not in their thunder or volume, but in their sincerity and manifestation. Wilberforce succeeded not because of the eloquence of his voice or argument, but rather by the indefatigable persistence of action. Hypocrisy is a rampant disease amongst us to the point that it seems almost normal to expose an idea over social media and then step away from the keystrokes to do the opposite.

    So therefore word and action must meet and that, dear ones, is where words become Life. It is no mistake that God spoke - and life lept forth. In the beginning was the Word which became flesh (action) and dwelt among us. That Word became life everlasting because He obeyed the Father in all things. Action in equity to words.
    Thus it was that one voice, perfect in action, speaking quietly and steadily, shook the foundations of the earth.

  2. thanks for this really pushed me to make some decisions!
