Thursday, March 27, 2014

So it Begins...

So it begins...

Not our journey, we have been on this path since the Lord's first thought of us reverberated in the heavens. No, this is the beginning of something that we have felt Him impressing upon us for quite some time - the need to share some of what we have learned over the past few years of walking through life as strong, single, adventurous women. Women who don't fit the mold. Women who are growing in the gifts God has given them. Women who are trying to figure out what it means to live in the world "in a way worthy of those who have been chosen for such wonderful blessings as these." {Eph. 4}

It might be messy. It might be offensive. It might stink.


Life is messy. Truth offends. Amateurs sometimes stink.

But while pursuing truth, with God's grace and a whole lot of coffee, we pray to touch a few hearts and allow Him to mold us in the process.

Care to come along?

Steph & Carolyn


  1. l o v e t h i s!
    a kindred spirit all the way, babeh:)

  2. I come! I follow you amongst the friendly birches and our kindred spirits shall laugh together under a night carpeted with lily-white.
