Friday, May 2, 2014

The Impurity of the Modesty Movement

Moment of truth - I am so incredibly tired of articles and conferences, books and songs and even sermons that admonish young women to follow a strict set of guidelines such as "don't wear bikinis", "no short-shorts", "it is your job to protect men from seeing and wanting too much", etc. This is simply another misogynistic form of objectification. You see, I respect young men too much to assume that they are animals who are unable to control themselves, and I respect young women enough to recognize that they are human beings, not raw pieces of steak who by their very existence are made dangerous and dirty.

"This particular approach to modesty is effective because it is rooted in shame, and shame is a powerful motivator. That's the first red flag. Additionally concerning about this approach is that it perpetuates the objectification of women in a pietistic form. It treats women's bodies not as glorious reflections of the image of God, but as sources of temptation that must be hidden. It is the other side of the same objectifying coin: one side exploits the female body, while the other side seems to be ashamed of it. Both sides reduce the female body to a sexual object." [Christianity Today]

It's about the heart folks, and the purity and self-respect that is found in the heart will be reflected in the outward appearance and in how we treat others. Go here with me - yes, if a young women has a faith-filled relationship with the Lord and is dedicated to purity and faithfulness in her life, then how she relates to others, how she treats her family, how she handles her money, and yes, even how she dresses will reflect the condition of her heart. ALL of those areas will reflect her inward condition. Rachel Held Evans points out that "...biblical modestly isn't about managing the sexual impulses about other people; it's about cultivating humility, propriety, and deference within ourselves."

The same applies for young men, only, I have discovered something ironic and a bit disturbing - there is a lot of dead air when it comes to their list of outward ways to reflect their inward hearts. The general men's conference spheel tends to emphasize strategies to avoid the irresistible lure of the female physique. It generally goes something like this, (my paraphrase): "Dudes, we know you really like looking at girls, and that it's natural to want to have sex with them. You can't allow that desire to take control of you, so here are some ideas to avoid temptation..."

Now let me say that I completely believe that things such as men's conferences and encouraging books are vital, and can be a helpful tool to reach the younger generations. What concerns me is the content of those resources, and this concern stems from my own experience reading up on these very pieces of literature and speaking with different men about their perspectives on male development. Shouldn't these sources be encouraging young men to look at themselves and to emphasize how they can allow the Lord to work from the inside-out, rather than playing the "shame and blame" game with their female counterparts?

So what was my next move in figuring this whole thing out? I asked for the opinion of the very best 20-year-old guy that I know - my brother. And boy, did he have some words of wisdom and surprising advice for young Christian men.

"There is this oxymoronic thing where youth leaders and whatever tell girls they have to cover up or they're a slut, but in the long run they are really just damaging the girls' self-esteem and hurting the very thing they are trying to protect. Rather than nicely teaching girls to respect their own bodies and to want to dress more modestly because they love God, they tell them they are sluts.
"As guys we are always going to have this problem [with temptation] because we see women everywhere and it triggers a natural reaction, but it is still our responsibility to control our response. Saying that it is the girl's responsibility isn't right; would you be saying rape is the girl's fault based on how she is dressed? It's not their fault; they may not help, but its not their fault. 
"As guys we are supposed to be involved with girls we can encourage and see a future with, and not every guy will look at a girl in a bikini and want to hook up with her, we're not all perverts. Guys are not all the same, we go through different stages developmentally and phases in what we look for in relationships, like right now I am looking for a long-term mature girl who knows what she wants in life. Yeah, if I see a girl on the beach spilling out of a string bikini I might think she is a bit trashy, but if I see a girl on the beach, not "covering up", but dressing maturely, I see her as long-term material.We're designed to find a good woman to live life with, and it's our responsibility to handle lust and how we look at them."

Nate Pyle calls the bluff on the blame-game in a fantastic article called "When We Sacrifice a Girl's Innocence", denying the concept that men are merely "sex-fueled robots".

"How can a girl keep her innocence when we tell her she is dangerous? How can she feel innocent when her sexuality is directly linked to the danger in the world? The message we send to our girls and women is, “The world is not safe for you because of you." Rather than protecting the innocence of both boys and girls, we sacrifice the innocence of a girl by warning her of the impact she unwittingly makes for the sake of the boy’s innocence. By trying to protect the innocence of boys we destroy the innocence of girls."

So really, teaching young men to insist or expect that young women dress in peasant skirts and XL tees (as some define modesty) is a form of impurity, because it takes a flying-leap over introspection and jumps right into "it's not my responsibility." Essentially it picks at splinters rather than addressing the log. Instead of degrading the very human forms that God gave each of us, we should be addressing the content of our hearts, and remain faithful to His leading in our lives.

What I would like to see is a world where young men outwardly reflect the inner condition of a pure heart by respecting and celebrating who their sisters-in-Christ are, young women made whole and wholesome by the Lord. Young women, also, will reflect the purity of their own hearts through the behaviors they adopt and the way they present themselves to the outward world. This is freedom. This is purity. This is love.


Friday, April 11, 2014

The Hypocrisy of Tolerance

This has been a rough week for me. I've sat through two classes where the professors and my classmates openly ridiculed Christianity and the validity of the Bible, I've overheard my values mocked by a coworker, and been hurt and disappointed by good friends who used to care about me, but now categorize me based on my set of values. 

These experiences have highlighted in a very personal way what I have come to call the "hypocrisy of tolerance." Apparently tolerance, diversity, and freedom of speech apply to every group and sub group, with the startling exception of conservative Christians.

Guess what folks - tolerance only works if it is for everyone, even the people you disagree with. 

I see and hear extremely offensive attitudes daily on Facebook, in classrooms, on the street, and even among my friends. These comments or behaviors label, lump, disrespect, and subjugate Christian rights and values - a disturbing foreshadowing of the loss of our rights and liberties as a people.

Maybe you truly don't know how hurtful some of the things you say and do are - so let me enlighten you. Every time you mock, ridicule, or make negative generalized or stereotyped statements about the Bible, God, or Christianity, you are striking at the very core of who I am. In class, when you mock Bible-believers as ignorant, homophobic, children-of-the-corn-esque morons, you are labeling and diminishing my value as an individual. You may accuse Christians of being categorically antagonistic  of certain view points, and yet, you come across as nothing more than a blind hypocrite when you do the same to them.

You want change? Model the behavior you want to see in the world. Maybe then I'll believe that you really want tolerance, diversity, and freedom for everyone - because right now, all I hear and see is that you want a world free of ME.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Power of One

The written word is powerful, almost as importance as the voice. With words you can inspire and rejuvenate life.  The opposite can also be true, but in reading Truth, Grace, and Coffee, my hope is inspiration and life can be found. I hope to point the reader to the Truth, that Grace is abounding, and that life can be full of adventure and good wholesome talks over warm coffee can inspire.

In contemplating this blog, I recently came across a quote that I hope will inspire my future writings and encourage you, the reader. John Quincy Adams stated: “if your actions (and may I add writings), inspire others to dream more, learn more, and do more you are a leader.”  I hope to be known as a leader, one who speaks in the face of adversity and gathers others to do the same. I am so convinced of the power in just one voice.  Change begins with one.  

History teaches us that all things, good or bad began with an idea sparked by the mind. In turn, that idea turns into taking that thought public to peers or to a nation. I am reading an amazing book on the life of William Wilberforce. Talk about inspiration! This man, called by God to abolish slavery in his country, went against rulers, lost friends, and made enemies.  He used his voice and conviction to steer and convince others that slavery was wrong. He struggled, he failed at times, but he was a leader.  God chose to use William Wilberforce to abolish slavery and I am convinced that had he chosen not to speak up or shy away from the pull of God’s will, that another man would have been raised in his place. However, he was Gods choice, called to use his skills God planted in him to make a lasting difference in his country. His deeds had lasting effects and he wholeheartedly embraced God’s call on his life.

So I ask of you, what is God calling you to? What are you passionate about? Don’t let God's best for you slip away because of lack of courage or trying to please others. Never underestimate the power of one. One voice can lead the county back to God, one voice can fight to end modern day slavery, one voice can change life.  Don’t let your voice be drowned out by others who would wish to drag you down.  See yourself as God looks at you.  He sees a whole complete person who has power to change a block of the city, a county, a state or a nation. 

I hope I have inspired you to dream more and do more. Allow yourself to grow and learn. Remember, there is always room for Truth, Grace, and Coffee.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

So it Begins...

So it begins...

Not our journey, we have been on this path since the Lord's first thought of us reverberated in the heavens. No, this is the beginning of something that we have felt Him impressing upon us for quite some time - the need to share some of what we have learned over the past few years of walking through life as strong, single, adventurous women. Women who don't fit the mold. Women who are growing in the gifts God has given them. Women who are trying to figure out what it means to live in the world "in a way worthy of those who have been chosen for such wonderful blessings as these." {Eph. 4}

It might be messy. It might be offensive. It might stink.


Life is messy. Truth offends. Amateurs sometimes stink.

But while pursuing truth, with God's grace and a whole lot of coffee, we pray to touch a few hearts and allow Him to mold us in the process.

Care to come along?

Steph & Carolyn